Sunday, November 4, 2007 share your knowledge on legal matters

Why we chose education?
[Arguement in support of choosing pro-active education as the mode]

Big and small doles on the eve of calamities or celebrations were never enough to contain hunger of a sizable population around the globe. There is a saying which echoes in the Russian Constitution – "If any one is not willing to work, neither let him eat". Work adds meaning to life and it would be ignominious to live contributing literally nothing in return for the food one eats. Even those who are willing and able, go without work for a larger part of the year and the working class is reeling under pressure of exploitation doing more work for a meager wages just to eke out a living. Self employment in agriculture or trade or industry is literally becoming impossible for those who choose to do in a just and fair manner. They are denied of their legitimate right to live a honorable life. The Executives are losing ground due to various reasons and ultimately the Laws could contain nothing because of the repeated dents, leaks and holes made by the lawless greedy over a period. Better living conditions, better education and better health are a far fetched dream.

Wars and weapons of the mighty and powerful did not bring in any permanent solution or lasting peace. Instead, education has shaped many a civilized society. Pro-active education on legal matters would certainly create attitudinal change at least in some of the educated persons who flout the law with impunity only because the atmosphere is conducive to escape punishment as a result of liberalization and relaxation of rules and procedures. They would come to know that what wrongs they do is being noticed by the people as well as the executives and they could no longer pretend to be good while continuing to do shameful illegal acts.

A paradigm change is the need of the hour. Taking away a larger chunk in the guise of 'free giving' is to be stopped. The best gift one could give is 'not to retain or take away what is due to the other – to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's – nature and all creatures therein and not waste what is useful to the next person or generation'. It would be far better to sensitise the law breakers on the extent of damage and deprivation their self centered acts cause to innumerable people, endangering the very existence of the planet earth. This could be achieved by a mass movement of sharing knowledge towards achieving equality and justice. Those who know something on law enforcement should come forward to spare a few moments for the common good to share their knowledge in simple understandable manner in the site ''. Nothing could be achieved if we ignore the importance of the role of the executives and it would be right and proper to extend a helping hand whenever they need to discharge their functions more effectively.

In due course the knowledge would percolate down the line through persons who have contacts with villagers and those who live far away places also. When the mass movement gathers momentum, awareness spreads and we could achieve the same best results, the present day developed world enjoys.

The manner of achieving these objects would be evolved step by step, through deliberations and discussions - based on the necessity and feasibility. The success of this movement greatly depends on the number of members and also the resources both of knowledge and dispensation.

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